Monday, July 2, 2007

Swords Of Destiny Chapter 2 Location Help

Ah the people have been hard at work with teh walkthroughs for Swords fo Destiny and I have been using the list over at for the locations.

However.. That list is all in a weird order that causes backtracking unless you know everquest like the back you your hand.

I'm redoing it in an order that will be a little more faster to get the updates from.

Please visit for the other quest info.

1Lady ValerianAntonicaKeep of the Ardent NeedleUpstairs at (-547, -8, -322)
2Sir JeremyNorth QeynosTemple of LifeIn the water at (593, -46, -223)
3Sir NoelSouth QeynosConcordium TowerIn the yellow portal room, under the right stairs (699, 82, 126)
4Sir MotinForest RuinsTireless students building(1121, -9, -762)
5Sir FandorBlackburrowRoom with Geologist FribdenIn the water at (43, -55, -27) jump down the waterfall, and there is a small tunnel of water up on land, go through that.
6Sir TankorStormholdThe Vault of MaelstromNext to the sword at (121, -22, 10). The Vault of the Maelstrom is behind the Chapel on the 2nd level, in the extreme SW corner of the zone.
7Lady AnaStormholdGoblin TunnelsEnd of the dead-end goblin tunnel at (57, -68, -152)

Sir PumpyAcadechismBehind Dvinn(-192, 12, -2)

Sir CordinButcherblock MountainsGlubbsunk CovePlatform in the cave at (598, 29, 164)

Sir William TarosCommonlandsGeneral VharTaug's TowerTop of Tower at (-551, -31, 429)

Sir LyleCrypt of BetrayalIn the room between Vargon and Borthen(155, 7, -12)

Sir YandoDeathfist CitadelDeathfist Savings and Loan(7, -25, 22)

Sir DandleEast FreeportAlchemist ShopIn the corner at (-135, -45, -43)

Sir DydiusEnchanted LandsThe Misty MineInside at (401, -5, -932)

Lady TeraEstate of UnrestDining Roomsecond story (21, 11, 188)

Sir MagnusEverfrostOrder of Marr broken shield (154, -38, -1567)Dive to ocean floor at (167, -96, -1584)

Lady TyzaniaFallen GateAlarm building near Little NeriakTop floor at (196, 28, -115)

Lady WendeeFeerrottCave of Fear(-1788, -27, 447)

Sir IonisFeerrottFear CampIn tent at (-1025, -7, 708)

Lady AldanaGraveyardDestroyed Tower of MarrInside at (51, -2, 115)

Lady ErynnGreater FaydarkVirosinoid Cave(-562, -6, 22)

Sir HogunkKaladimQueen Varronik's Throne RoomBehind Throne at (-217, 46, -83)

Lady HildaKaladimBank VaultUse [a blasting keg] to open bank vault (the blasting keg is a drop from the named Gorilla near the arena and from the goblin nameds in the 2 towers), second floor at (-3, 37, -220)

Lady ShannaKlak'AnonZooDeagle's room at (-317, 1, -57)

Sir GandarkLavastormTemple of Solusek RoTome of Tranix room at (-427, -61, -669)

Sir GubbinLesser FaydarkNear Obelisk of Blight(791, -38, 523)

Lady PenelopeLoping PlainsWest Overlook towerupstairs at (250, 58, -312)

Sir ErolMistmoore Catacombs?Second floor at (-96, -27, -50)

Lady MythMistmoore CatacombsClimbable Wall/The Ascentin water at(-69, -101, -24)

Lady TheeralNektropos CastleEverling's Research Laboratory(-14.41, -13.52, -9.43) Research Library is in the basement, not the Library upstairs.

Sir WindleNektulos ForestWest Bear Cave(-1375, 29, -694)

Lady KryssNew TunariaSentry Creation Chamber(-1047, 56, -1414)

Sir AndralNew TunariaTemple of Arcane ResearchLower Walkway at (-819, 32, -1293) once on the bridge, there are posts and things on each side

Sir OlstagNew TunariaTemple of the Fourth Guard(-512, 92, -651)

Sir GunnNew TunariaTemple of GrowthInside at (-445, 49, -871)

Sir LemenkeObelisk of Lost SoulsWest Ring Event at the bottomTop of the Center Spiral Stairs (-469, 395, 499.5)

Sir LawrenceObelisk of Lost Souls1st level of dungeonBottom of spiral stair room at (-36, 575, 313)

Sir ThodinPermafrostNW Banquet TableOn table at (152, 7, -430)

Sir HukkleRivervaleLaughing TroutBand stage at (-438, -4, -154)

Sir PaldorasRuins of VarsoonTome of DeathTome of Death's room at (236, -8, 54)

Sir KendrickSerpent SewerGlobule Room(-128, 0, -146)

Sir RodrinSolusek's EyeRoom to right on path to Forge of AgesOn table at (-124, -593, 190)

Sir DumpleSteamfont MountainsSteamfont WetlandsKubra'nafee's cave at (-358, 92, 1627)

Sir ElliotTemple of Cazic-ThuleDungeon areaGreen clay golem room at (-70, -20, -121)

Sir TallonThieves' WaySludgewalkers Hatchling roomAround corner from Serpent Sewer gate at (-7, 1, 61)

Sir WoldredThundering SteppesWorm tunnels(751, -26, 1068)

Sir FiddinTower of the DraflingJum-Jum tap(381, 22, 116)

Sir VuldinWailing CavesKyllik the FatedKyllik's room at (-125, -51, -51)

Sir DanikWest FreeportBackalley Brewhouse(219, 3, 150)

Sir BunynnZekShadowed ShrineBehind it at (719, -17, -308)

if you walk on the very EDGE outside, you can manage killing only the sentries on one side of bridge. where the bridge meets the building, jump down to the lower walkway that loops around the building. OR, from the right side of the bridge, when facing the building, you can run up the rocks and jump to the lower level of the bridge, you will agro the sentry, but if you are careful and quikc you can run across that little ledge and drop down to the same area. You will loose aggro about 3/4's of the way across the lower level.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tip #3 Know when to hold know when to fold

So.. been a while so here is a tip I bring to you to grab up those undervalued Master I's in the lvl range where they are pretty expensive.

So if you go to a broker and do the following search:

Type: Spell Scroll
Name: Master
Level: 58-70

You'll get a lot of master I's. You may want to buy up some cheap ones that you see.. but wait.
An important key to the market is supply.. if you see a ton of those same Master I's it will be a sure tip that those particular ones are dropping from some place that is easily farmed.

Try to not waste your plat on those, unless you see a Master I for less than 2 plat. (now on Guk this tends to be the current price thresh-hold)

But instead, break it down by adding the following search and limit it to....

Type: Spell Scroll
Name: Master
Level: 58-61
and add
Class: Choose the top one and move all the way down repeating these steps:

If you see a spell scroll for under 5 plat, check to see how many others with the same name are being sold.
Now if it is the only one? BUY BUY BUY

If it is not the only one and there are a total of 2-3 with a fair price gap, take a chance and BUY, otherwise stay away.

That's all for now.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Tip #2 - Cheap Illusionary Powders and Infusion of Illusions

Get those T7 powders and infusions for cheap

So once you get to a high enough player level you can access a zone called the Nest.

Say you also get to level 275 in transmuting... now you can transmute lvl 60 stuff into powders and infusions and fragments..

Go to the broker and amke a new search: Legendary and Attunable LVl 60-70

Check the price on the broker for infusions... on Guk they are currently 60 to 65 Gold.
Buy the legendary attunables for 55 gold and under. Transmute those until you have enough to make a legendary transmutable such as Scintillating Phantom handle ot Vampiric handle. Those sell fairly well and you will make some Gold in the process. Also in the process, you should level up to about 295 or so.

Now back to the cheapskates :) I will have to look them up and update this post, but the all but 1 item that you obtain from the nest for the crafting can be made into legendary and transmutable items.

The KettleLeader's Preserved Corpse

> Strifewing Bone Bo [Legnedary & transmutable]

> Flayed Vultak Leggings [Legendary & transmutable]

The Task Master's Gullet

> (Crap... Can only be made into Treasured or an ORNATE Legendary item which CANNOT be 'Muted)

The Aggressor's Claws

> Strifewing Clawed Fists [Legendary & transmutable]

> Purple-Feathered Gloves [Treasured] but DO NOT MAKE

The Counselor's Head

> Feathered Ring [Legendary & transmutable]

> Enspelled Vultak Eye [Legendary & transmutable]

All you need to bring are the neccessary crafting ingredients and take all of those to the nest to craft. You will not get locked out just by entering and crafting, so if you have to go back, you can do so.

These main legendary ingredients can be bought from the broker for about 15 gold to 30 gold.. much cheaper than the powders that they produce. Maximize profit by doing a little bit of work.

Okay there you have that good tip so if you have some time on your hands and want to make a lot of plat, buy the good items from above.. stay away form the Gullet. Make only Legendary and non Ornate items. You have to make pristine, but it is possible to do every time, just make sure you use the correct crafting ability to add durability and you will be okay.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tip #1 - Transmute all the way to 350

The smart way to transmute and pay the way is the following.

-Avoid transmuting treasured items and adept I's. Sell those instead.

-With the gold earned, you should be buying as many cheap tier 1 rares like Copper Cluster, Rough Lapis Lazuli, and Solidified Loam. Buy those for 5G and under. (okay I am on guk.. prices elsewhere may vary but it should be all relative)

-Follow the market twice a day at least. Make it your new religion.

-Make saved searches for the following:

  • Type: Attunable Tier: Treasured Level: 1-19
  • Type: Attunable Tier: Legendary Level: 1 -19
  • Item Name: (adept i) Level: 1-19

-Buy low.. I am talking low as 6 silver up to 2 gold and maybe even 3 gold. resell for 4 gold to 5 gold. Legendary's can even sell for triple that... or just transmute those for a garanteed powder or infusion if it is a tier 1 item.

-You know something else? Keep an eye out for cheap root's. Do not wait until you need them. I found that if I needed them, they were often 50 silver each, so I had to put off my transmuting ways until a few days. Don't be delayed like that. I got wise and started carrying a stockpile that I bought each for under 2 silver each. Make a search for these cause you are going to need them.

-Now take the roots and tier 1 crafting rares.. make sure you got yourself the recipe books and go to the alchemy table.. make Adept III's from the Solidified Loam. Go to the enscribing table.. make Adept III's from the Copper Cluster and Rough Lapis Lazuli. Only make them until the first bar across then stop to save a lot of time.

-Transmute those for the ulteran powders and infusion of earths.

-With the infusion of earths go to the workbench and make the tier 1 vampiric handle. You will not be able to resell, but at least if you make it to pristine, which you should be able to do every single time, you will get back an ulteran powder. Once you go through all your infusion of earth's now make some other item with those.. oh and buy the lapis lazuli fragments for 2 copper each.

-Maybe it was just me, but when I transmute something to pristine, it gave me a better chance at leveling. You will find that you will level in transmuting every 4 or 5 once they get greyed out all the way up to level 325! Once you hit that mark you can make any transmuting item you need. Making the Tier 7 transmuting items will get you up to 350 in no time and also make you a profit.

hehe Now you know why you don't buy treasured items anymore.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Transmuting 101

Today, someone asked me how do they start transmuting. My advice to them was a shortened version of the following:

  1. From either Thundering Steppes (TS) Docks or Nektulus Forest (Nek) Docks wait at the end until you see the boat arrive.
  2. Board the boat and wait until it departs for Butcherblock Mountain Docks.
  3. Head to the right most side and talk to: Tyla Maki 752.00, 25.00, 592.00
  4. Once you have the transmuting skill you will need to take to the merchant to the left of Tyla, Sala Maki. Buy the 4 transmuting abilities, and the essential recipe books to save you from making return trips to this location. (That is if you do not come here often.)
  5. At this point you are probably asking.. how do I transmute???
  6. Well, hit the K key to bring up your abilities and you will see a new ability for transmuting items into base ingredients used for transmuting recipes. Set this up on a hotkey, you will be using it a lot.
  7. Now to start, Here is what can be transmuted:
  • Treasured and attunable items (but these may not be ornate or no-value)
  • Adept I's

These have a 1 in 5 chance to get you a powder for the corresponding tier. The rest of the time you will get fragments.

  • Legendary and attunable items (also cannot be ornate or no-value)
  • Adept III's

These will transmute into an infusion 1 in 5 times, while the rest of the time they will turn into a powder.

  • Fabled and attunable items (never be tricked by ornate nor no-value)
  • Master I's

These will turn into a mana 1 in 5 times or otherwise you will get an infusion.

The other thing to note is what level items can you transmute as you level in the transmuting skill?

If you are a transmuter at lvl X, divide this number by 5 and round down to the nearest Interger. Now at 5 to that. This is the highest level item you are currently able to transmute.

Each time your transmuting skill increases to a number divisible by 5, means you can transmute an item that is higher level than you could before.

If you want to get your skill up to level 100, start buying lvl 1-5 items but try not to pay a lot for them. You can even.. more to come lol

Everquest Transmuting and Economics.

Welcome to the site. I hope you find it useful.. I have decided to make my findings in transmuting available to the public, as well as pooling tips from other sources and forums here.

I was able to pay my way through transmuting up to level 325 and beyondm by way of utilizing the broker to make a profit and basically pay for my transmuting leveling. If you have access to lots of plat, then you will be able to use my advice so as not to spend it as fast as you normally might in trying to level your transmuting skill.

I'll therefore be giving away many secrets on how to make the broker work for you. So maybe you are here to make plat and do not care about transmuting. If this is the case, then you will also benefit from my information.